Opera in one act by Giacomo Puccini. In the year marking the 100th anniversary of Puccini’s death, we present, following Gianni Schicchi in 2022, a dramatic opera that explores the theme of femininity from various perspectives. Directed by Sergio Basile, with illustrations by Spartaco Ripa.
A Riveder le Stelle
November 18-19, Santa Maria della Scala
Performance for vocal ensemble a cappella and narrator. Music by Concetta Anastasi, Francesca Lazzeroni, and Simone Pugliese. The lives and works of Dante and Galileo Galilei intertwine in a narrative and musical journey dedicated to Secondary Higher Education Institutes.
Storia del Soldato
November 14, Teatro dei Rozzi
A story to play, recite, and dance; music by I. Stravinsky, directed by Paola Benocci for 3 actors, a dancer, and a chamber orchestra. A musical story based on Histoire du Soldat.
With the special participation of the Artistic Director of the Teatri di Siena, Vincenzo Bocciarelli.
Il Principe Canarino
October 13, 2024, Teatro dei Rozzi
Musical fairy tale. Text and dramaturgy by Paola Benocci, music by Concetta Anastasi, inspired by the Fiabe Italiane collection by Italo Calvino. Original, unpublished music. Workshops for schools were held at the Santa Maria della Scala Museum in morning sessions, with preparation for listening to the musical fairy tale and direct involvement of the students.
Countless entertained and engaged children made our performance unforgettable; starting with the children and their involvement in the theater is one of the main goals of our work.
Il Carnevale degli Animali
August 25, 2024, Fonti di Pescaia
Staged at the Fonti di Pescaia as part of Sboccia l’estate, the summer festival of Teatri di Siena directed by Vincenzo Bocciarelli. The Unconventional Orchestra of AMAT was directed by Maestro Concetta Anastasi and the choreography of the Balletto di Siena curated by Marco Batti.
Pierino e il Lupo
August 25, 2024, Fonti di Pescaia
With the participation of Vincenzo Bocciarelli, artistic director of the Siena Theaters.
Staged at the Fonti di Pescaia within Sboccia l’estate, the summer festival of Teatri di Siena directed by Vincenzo Bocciarelli. The Unconventional Orchestra of AMAT was conducted by Maestro Concetta Anastasi.
The New York tournée of the Unconventional Singers
26 luglio 2024, New York
La tournée newyorkese degli Unconventional Singers di AMAT. Il Lilia Bloom Award 2024 ha dato inizio alla serie di concerti che hanno visto il gruppo esibirsi al The Players Club e in una serie di concerti privati a Long Island.
Festival Tasting Notes ’23
August 4th, Montalcino
Pop-folk concert at Brunello Temple
Starts at 7 p.m.
Musica Ritrovata
10 september 2023, Siena
Concert celebrating the European Day of Jewish Culture
Words of Victor Hugo, Music of Nino Rota Narrative voice, subject and direction Sergio Basile Musical direction and arrangement Concetta Anastasi Mezzo-soprano Francesca Lazzeroni Orchestra Unconventional Orchetra of Amat Production Compagnia della Piuma di Amat
Street Music al Parco dell’Anconella: Tre fiorentini d’una volta e una chitarra
– Paul Hindemith, Kleine Kammermusik op. 24 n. 2 – Josef Strauss, Brennende Liebe – Polka mazurka, op. 129 – Johann Strauss Figlio, Im Krapfenwald’l – Polka française, op. 336 – Jacques Ibert, Le Trois Pièces brèves
The New Year’s Eve concert of the Unconventional Orchestra
Suor Angelica
11 dicembre ore 21.00 – Teatro dei Rinnovati
Opera lirica in un atto di Giacomo Puccini. Nell’anno del centesimo anniversario della morte di Puccini abbiamo proposto, dopo il Gianni Schicchi del 2022, un’opera drammatica, che vuole affrontare il tema del femminile sotto vari aspetti. Con la regia di Sergio Basile e le tavole illustrate da Spartaco Ripa.
International Composition Competition - entry form